Gaining Access to Sell Amazon Restricted Products

In the vast landscape of Amazon's eCommerce empire, where millions of products are bought and sold daily, ensuring the safety and trustworthiness of the platform is paramount. To achieve this goal, Amazon has established a system of "Restricted Categories" or "Ungated Categories." These categories are designed to protect consumers from fraudulent or unsafe products, setting a higher standard for sellers. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the concept of Amazon restricted products, explore what they entail, and discuss the steps required to sell within these exclusive categories.

What is an Amazon Restricted Product?

Amazon's restricted products encompass a wide range of items that sellers are either prohibited from listing entirely or can only list after obtaining special approval. These restrictions cover products with legal limitations, such as alcohol, tobacco, or gambling-related items, as well as products with specific safety requirements, including automotive parts, food products, and electronics. Amazon's commitment to consumer safety and regulatory compliance necessitates these restrictions, and sellers must adhere to them to maintain the platform's integrity.

Restricted Products on Amazon

  • Alcohol

  • Animals & Animal-Related Products

  • Art - Fine Art

  • Art - Home Decor

  • Automotive and powersports

  • Composite Wood Products

  • Cosmetics and Skin and hair care

  • CPAP Cleaning and Disinfecting Devices

  • Currency, Coins, Cash Equivalents, and Gift Cards

  • Dietary supplements

  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia

  • Electronics

  • Explosives, weapons, and related items

  • Export Controls

  • Food & Beverage

  • Gambling & Lottery

  • Hazardous and prohibited items

  • Human Parts & Burial Artifacts

  • Jewelry & Precious Gems

  • Laser products

  • Lighting

  • Lock Picking & Theft Devices

  • Medical devices and accessories

  • Offensive and Controversial Materials

  • Other restricted products

  • Pest control products and pesticides

  • Plant and seed products

  • Postage meters and stamps

  • Recalled products

  • Recycling electronics

  • Refrigerants: Ozone-Depleting Substances and Substitutes

  • Strike anywhere matches

  • Surveillance Equipment

  • Tobacco & Tobacco-Related Products

  • Warranties, Service Plans, Contracts, and Guarantees

  • Upholstered Furniture, Bedding, & Other Quilted Products

  • Federal Emissions – Products requiring EPA Certificate of Conformity

  • Children's footwear

  • Children's apparel

  • Automotive tires, wheels, and rims

Amazon Also Has Restricted Products and Services That Cannot Be Advertised

  • Aerosol paint.

  • Airsoft/BB guns, paintball guns.

  • Alcohol recovery or hangover cures or treatments.

  • Alcohol: products intended to disguise or conceal alcohol.

  • Anti-radiation products (including electromagnetic field protection and radiation neutralizing or shielding products).

  • Bows and arrows, slingshots, and other projectile weapons.

  • Chewing gum (Singapore only).

  • Coupon sites.

  • Cryptocurrencies.

  • Escort services, adult dating, sex toys and merchandise.

  • Etching creams.

  • Fat burners, fat freezers, and fat blockers.

  • Fertility clinics and research.

  • Free non-Kindle ebooks (except on Seller Central).

  • Get-rich-quick and pyramid schemes.

  • Handgun safety certificates.

  • Illicit and recreational drugs, drug paraphernalia, drug testing equipment, or products to beat drug tests.

  • Illegal or sensitive pharmaceutical or medical device products and services.

  • Imitation tobacco products, e.g. toys that resemble cigarettes, or fake tobacco packaging (Singapore only).

  • Oils, supplements, or ingestibles that are derived from or contain hemp, cannabidiol (CBD), THC, or otherwise related to cannabis.

  • Medical procedures and research.

  • Tobacco or tobacco-related products, including e-cigarettes.

  • Knives (except for kitchen knives, cutlery, and general multi-purpose camping knives).

  • NL: Knives and other bladed objects are prohibited except for kitchen knives, cutlery or silverware.

  • Lethal and non-lethal weapon sales, including guns, gun parts, kits, gun racks, mace, black powder, and ammunition.

  • Loyalty/affinity/rewards and related content.

  • Malware, scareware, or spyware.

  • Online pharmacies.

  • Pre-natal gender selection and determination test products and services.

  • Premium pay-per-call services, such as 900 numbers in the US.

  • Products, services, technology, or website content that i) infringes, encourages or enables the infringement of the intellectual property or personal rights of others, or ii) promotes any illegal or dangerous activity, including false document services, counterfeit designer goods, cable descramblers, fireworks, or websites that promote hacking or evading law enforcement.

  • Psychics and related content.

  • Products that are ineligible for sale or do not comply with Amazon’s Category, Product, and Listing Restrictions.

  • Religious or spiritual services.

  • CH, DE, DK, FI, FR, NL, NO, PL, and SE: Content that promotes Scientology or Dianetics (e.g. books published by L Ron Hubbard).

  • Shock collars (including pet training collars with any type of shock function) and pinch or choke collars.

  • Short-term high-interest loans with a repayment period under 12 months and an APR of more than 50% (or 25% in Denmark).

  • “Stripper” or dancing poles

  • Any spy cam and/or voice bug disguised as an everyday item that is capable of transmitting video/audio via WIFI/GRMS/IP/GSM/Bluetooth to someone else, without the person knowing they are being recorded (Germany only).

  • Tattooing and body branding products and services.

  • Testosterone boosters.

  • Ticket resellers (Australia and New Zealand only).

  • UV tanning services and equipment.

  • Weapons.

Avoiding Accidental Sales of Restricted Products

Accidentally listing a product in a restricted category can lead to serious consequences for sellers, including warnings, account suspensions, or even bans. To steer clear of such pitfalls, sellers must be diligent and take proactive measures. Here are five tips to consider:

  • Thorough Familiarization: The foundation of compliance with Amazon's policies lies in a deep understanding of the rules and regulations governing restricted categories. Sellers must invest time in comprehending the intricacies of these policies.

  • Stay Informed: Amazon's policies can change, with new categories being restricted or previously restricted categories becoming accessible. Sellers must stay up-to-date with these changes to avoid unintentional violations.

  • Leverage Amazon's Tools: Amazon provides resources and tools to check if a product falls under restricted categories. Utilizing these tools can prevent accidental listings in prohibited categories.

  • Supplier Verification: To prove the authenticity of products, sellers should ensure that their supplier is either the manufacturer or an authorized dealer. This step is crucial for gaining approval to sell restricted items.

How to Check if a Product is Gated

Determining whether a product falls under Amazon's gated or restricted categories can be easily done within the Amazon Seller Central platform. Follow these steps to check the status of a product:

1. Add the Product: Begin by adding the product to your Seller Central account.

2. Examine Listing Limitations: If the product falls under restricted categories, you will see a "Show Limitations" link next to the listing.

3. Request Approval: If you intend to sell the product, click on "Listing Limitations Apply" and proceed to "Request Approval" to initiate the application process.

Selling in Restricted Categories

Gaining access to Amazon's restricted categories, commonly referred to as "getting ungated," involves a series of specific steps and obtaining approval. It is important to note that while you can “get ungated”, the restricted advertisement of certain products and services that we listed is nonnegotiable. While the requirements may vary between categories, here is a general sequence of actions sellers should follow:

1. Upgrade to a Professional Seller Account: Most restricted categories necessitate a professional seller account, which offers additional features and credibility compared to individual accounts.

2. Identify the Product: Sellers must locate the specific product they intend to sell within their Seller Central account's Inventory menu.

3. Initiate Approval Request: Upon identifying the product, sellers can click on the "Listing limitation apply" badge next to the product's listing to commence the approval process.

Tips for Gaining Approval

Successfully gaining approval to sell products in restricted Amazon categories requires a strategic approach and attention to detail. Here are some essential tips to enhance your chances of approval:

  • Prove Product Authenticity: Amazon prioritizes product safety and authenticity. Sellers should be prepared to demonstrate that their supplier is legitimate, either as the manufacturer or an authorized dealer.

  • Comply With Rules: To avoid jeopardizing your seller account, strict adherence to Amazon's rules and restrictions for listed products is essential. Even minor violations can lead to account suspension.

  • Build a Reputation: Amazon tends to reject applications from new sellers. Therefore, building credibility through a positive seller history in ungated categories is a recommended approach. High-performance metrics, such as low order defect rates and pre-fulfillment cancellation rates, play a crucial role in this process.

  • Maintain Detailed Records: Sellers should always keep records of their supplier invoices, ensuring they are dated within 90 days prior to their application. These invoices serve as evidence of product authenticity and can expedite the approval process.

Navigating Amazon's complex marketplace and understanding its intricate policies, especially regarding restricted categories, is a crucial endeavor for sellers. While gaining approval to sell in these exclusive categories can be challenging, it also presents significant opportunities for growth and differentiation in a competitive marketplace. By diligently following Amazon's guidelines, demonstrating product authenticity, building a stellar seller reputation, and staying informed about policy changes, sellers can unlock new avenues for success and establish themselves as trusted sellers within Amazon's vast ecosystem. We hope this blog post was helpful!

Thank you,

Commerce Canal Team

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