How Prevalent is Amazon in the European Union?

Amazon's expansion into the European Union showcases its ambitious global strategy. The U.S. remains Amazon's stronghold, yet several EU nations have become instrumental in its international narrative. Let's explore the top Amazon EU marketplaces by user count, offering a deeper insight into each country's eCommerce behaviors and preferences.

1. Germany (

  • Position: Germany is Amazon's second-largest marketplace worldwide, and takes the number one spot in the European Union with a reported active monthly user count of 60,390,505.

  • Insight: German consumers are known for their research-driven buying behavior, valuing product quality and reliability.'s extensive review system and robust delivery infrastructure resonate with the German shopping ethos, which emphasizes both efficiency and product quality.

2. Italy (

  • Position: Italy holds a dominant spot in Amazon's EU lineup, placing second with a reported active monthly user count of 38,121,014.

  • Insight: Italians cherish their local brands, artisans, and rich cultural heritage. Recognizing this, successfully amalgamates international product offerings with a local touch, promoting "Made in Italy" brands and artisanal products, which enhances its appeal to the domestic audience.

3. France (

  • Position: is a formidable force in France’s eCommerce domain. It places third in the EU with a reported active monthly user count of 34,617,763.

  • Insight: French shoppers gravitate towards products that blend quality with cultural relevance. The localization of, coupled with its ability to cater to the French penchant for fashion, luxury, and gourmet offerings, makes it a mainstay in the country's eCommerce landscape.

4. Spain (

  • Position: has transformed Spain's eCommerce scene since its inception, and places fourth in the EU with a reported active monthly user count of 25,101,320.

  • Insight: Spanish consumers display a mix of traditional and modern shopping habits. has catered to this by ensuring a balance between global brands and local Spanish products, catering to both tech-savvy urbanites and more traditional segments of the population.

5. Austria (

  • Position: While Austria does not have its own dedicated Amazon domain, Austrians predominantly use ( can be used, but it will redirect you to , given the linguistic and geographical proximity to Germany. It places fifth in the EU with a reported active monthly user count of 5,698,882.

  • Insight: Austrian consumers, much like their German counterparts, prioritize quality and value. This Alpine nation, known for its rich cultural tapestry from classical music to architectural marvels, merges tradition with modernity in its shopping preferences. Austrians exhibit an interest in products that resonate with their cultural heritage, such as traditional clothing, gourmet foods, and artisanal crafts. However, they are also equally receptive to tech and innovation. Amazon's curated product range, which acknowledges Austria's proud traditions while catering to its modern aspirations, makes it a preferred choice for many Austrians, who appreciate the blend of globalized offerings with a touch of local familiarity.

6. Netherlands (

  • Position: Transitioning from a book-only platform in 2020, is rapidly gaining traction. It places sixth in the EU with a reported active monthly user count of 4,589,643.

  • Insight: The Dutch are known for their tech-savvy nature and openness to digital innovations. With the rise of mobile shopping and a focus on sustainable and eco-friendly products,'s growth strategy aligns with Dutch consumer preferences, offering a diverse range of products with an emphasis on sustainability.

Honorable Mention: While the United Kingdom ( exited the EU, it remains a pivotal Amazon market in Europe. British consumers, known for their online shopping affinity, have made integral to their shopping habits, especially in sectors like literature, tech, and fashion.

List of Remaining EU Countries Reported Active Monthly User Counts:

Belgium ( 2,781,420

Poland ( 2,452,715

Sweden ( 2,032,592

Ireland: 1,802,267

Portugal: 1,536,009

Luxembourg: 408,565

Denmark: 269,845

Finland: 180,653

Greece: 171,397

Czech Republic: 167,353

Slovenia: 163,706

Croatia: 143,992

Romania: 140,609

Hungary: 116,326

Bulgaria: 82,082

Republic of Cyprus: 76,504

Malta: 76,491

Lithuania: 69,259

Estonia: 63,989

Latvia: 61,579

Slovakia: 51,728

In wrapping up, Amazon's success in Europe is not merely about market penetration. It's the intricate understanding and adaptation to each nation's unique cultural and consumer nuances that reinforce its leading position. As European eCommerce evolves, Amazon's localization strategies set it up for continued success. We hope this blog post motivates you to expand into Europe!

Thank you,

Commerce Canal Team

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