Client Letters: Walmart Top Seller Summit & Shopify Love Affair

Heading back from the Walmart Top Sellers Summit that was held this week in Las Vegas. A couple of highlights were announced/revealed:

  • Brand Shops will be rolling out along with Brand Shelves in Q4 23/Q1 24

  • Local pickup and delivery will soon be available for select sellers with pickup locations or stores

  • Sponsored Video campaigns will soon be available for select sellers

  • Peak season inventory surcharges for Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) will be avoided as long as sellers ship in inventory prior to October 1

  • Walmart+ (Walmart Prime) continues to rapidly grow and those sellers using WFS have seen 50%+ GMV growth as the program becomes table stakes for all sellers

Having been selling on the Walmart platform via 1P or 3P for quite some time, I can confidently say that Walmart is truly taking 3P seriously. The rate of product updates, events like these and the narrative used on their earnings calls are all evidence of how important the 3P ecosystem is to Walmart’s future growth. We will share more as we learn more….

In other news, Shopify clearly has had a change of heart. They not only stuck a deal with Amazon to provide Amazon Pay and Amazon FBA but they have also announced greater integration with TikTok as well. We believe these are the right moves to keep Shopify at the forefront of DTC eCommerce and ensure continued post pandemic growth.

Thank you for the continued business,

Ryan Craver

Disclosure: Client Letters are intended for Commerce Canal clients, investors and employees. Commerce Canal and its officers, directors and employees provide this content for informational purposes only.


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